Tips to Support Your Student at Home

Every Student CAN Succeed in Math!
We believe every student can be a “math person.” Tackling math problems involves more than memorizing a series of steps. It also requires the ability to unpack new math situations, discuss and explain math ideas, and make connections to different strategies and models.
i-Ready Classroom Mathematics helps your student develop these skill sets, and with your support, your student can grow into a confident and competent mathematician.
Not sure where to start? Follow these Five Tips for Families and Caregivers. Then check out the resources below.

Get Your Student Talking about Math
Mathematical conversations are a foundational part of the program. Use the resources below to practice communicating about math with your student.
- Try–Discuss–Connect Framework for Families
- Math Discourse Cards for Families
- Math Discourse Activities for Families: K–5 | 6–8

Use Tools to Support Your Student at Home
Use the resources below to support your student as they work on math at home.
- Math Sense Makers: K–1 | 2–5 | 6–8
- Thinking Mat
- Math Manipulatives for Hands-On Exploration
- Daily Learning Reflection

Partner with Your Student’s Teacher
Use the resource below to partner with your student’s teacher and gain insight into your student’s progress, interests, and mindset during conferences.